Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Wow another week has flown by, and I was back at agility training last night with M...

She could believe how good I was ;-) (she doesn't know how I can forget everything I've learnt in 2 weeks!!) 
After my first warm up (bonzai round the ring!) M put me back in the car for a "time out", which she says worked, as I was well behaved after that.... apart from my nose!

My nose has a mind of its own and gets me into all kinds of trouble - off sniffing for dropped treats or tasty morsels of horse/chicken droppings. For some reason M is not happy with me doing this during a course?! Any ideas for how I can keep my nose under control for 60 secs would be appreciated....

Maverick count down - 4 days!!!! = EXCITED

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